I want to do my first triathlon. I want to do something I have no idea how to do but I know that I want to do it! Welcome to your dream! And when you take that first step toward that dream, then it becomes a goal!! Let’s go!
Belief at the beginning of any undertaking is essential to guarantee success. If you believe in yourself and you wholeheartedly want to accomplish your goal, then you will. My advice is to ‘finish what you start and to do it with heart!’ Make that your mission statement. Write it on a sticky note along with your goal and stick that post-it note on your bathroom mirror so you can see it every single day.
Here are a few mental cues to get you closer to your goal – your first triathlon.
• Be consistent. You do not have to do flashy or difficult training sessions but you do have to train. If your schedule calls for a 45-minute session and you only have 10 minutes, then use those 10 minutes and exercise. It is easier to be consistent if you exercise every single day. When you skip a session, it becomes easy to skip 2 sessions, then 3 sessions and then suddenly your goal becomes a burden.
• Create a routine. Carve out a time each day to exercise and don’t waiver. It takes a few weeks to create a habit but once you do, you will own it and be attached to it and love it and stick with it.
• Get out of your comfort zone. No one wants to get up at 5 am. No one wants to go swimming when it is cold out. No one wants to go to the gym. No one! But it is by doing what we don’t want to do that we make progress. It is by doing what you don’t want to do that you find fulfillment. Once you get up a 5 am and do your training session, you will be so happy for the rest of your day. Get out of your comfort zone. Do the thing you don’t want to do. Your joy, your reward and your finish line are on the other side of the comfort zone.
• There are more mental cues .. but let’s start there!