Naturally, the week of the big trip was crazy busy. We had just returned from Boulder on the Saturday and now, 6 days later, we were going away again. And Dave was not really able to help out around the house since he could not bend, lift or twist for 6 weeks post surgery. So we get to Thursday, the day before the trip, and I get off my computrainer after a long 4 hour session and Dave tells me that Madison is sick. Naturally, we cannot leave my parents with a sick dog, so off we went to the Vet. That night, Maddy got up every hour and continued to be sick. I am exhausted. Dave is exhausted and recovering from surgery.Somewhere in the middle of the night, I begged Dave to change our 8 a.m. flight which meant a 4 a.m. wake up call to get in a mini workout, to walk dogs, to deliver them to mom and dad and to get to the airport. Nope – the flight was on.
Yes, my birthday was memorable – I was in a sleepy daze all day long – I definitely felt old! But I felt loved! At the airport, I was surprised to see my two dear friends from Regina – Doug and Shelley – they had flown in from Regina the night before, stayed in a hotel and then met us at the airport where we all caught the flight to NYC for a weekend of birthday, post Thanksgiving and pre Christmas fun!
On Saturday, we all ran in Central Park. The weather was amazing. It is one of my favorite running parks. Again we spent the day shopping and walking and I watched Mary Lynne and Shelley haggle for purse knockoffs! We saw a fantastic Broadway musical, Young Frankenstein. It was unbelievable.
Sunday was our rainy day. Another run in Central Park and then we were off to watch Brett Favre and the Jets play in Giant Stadium. It was pouring rain and freezing but you must see Brett Favre whenever you can (and I am married to a sport nut!).
Yes, New York City was amazing! It could become a yearly post race season little trip for us! The Christmas lights were gorgeous. Time Square dazzled. Central Park was my own little running paradise. I must run the NYC marathon one day. There is one for the bucket list!